Using Exclamation Marks And Commas (9-14 years) - Activity Pack

English Resource Description
The "Using Exclamation Marks And Commas" Activity Pack is an educational resource designed for children aged 9 to 14 years to enhance their understanding of punctuation in English. The pack provides clear explanations and examples of how to correctly use exclamation marks and commas. An exclamation mark is used at the end of a statement that is expressed loudly or with strong emotion, such as a command or an outcry of surprise or frustration. Examples include interjections like "Help!", commands such as "Be quiet!", or urgent requests like "Open the window!".
When it comes to commas, the activity pack outlines several key uses. Firstly, commas are used to separate items in a list, as in "At the restaurant I purchased pizza, salad and garlic bread." They can also be inserted to create a natural pause in a long sentence, enhancing readability: "There was such a big selection of pizzas on the menu, that I chose the dish of the day recommended by the chef." In addition, commas are employed to separate clauses, particularly when adding non-essential information to a sentence: "The restaurant, which is in the centre of town, is very popular in the summer." Lastly, commas follow adverbs that begin a sentence to set them apart from the main clause, as in "Thankfully, the pizza restaurant stayed open late." By mastering these punctuation rules, students can improve the clarity and effectiveness of their writing.