Learn To Read Two Syllable Words (lem on) - Teacher Notes

Learn To Read Two Syllable Words (lem on) - Teacher Notes
Guinea Pig Education
Guinea Pig Education

English Resource Description

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The Phonics Reading Packs provide a comprehensive and enjoyable method for teaching children to read two-syllable words using phonics. Designed for a range of ages starting from 4 years old, these packs are particularly beneficial for older reluctant readers, children with learning difficulties, and those for whom English is not their first language. The packs are versatile, suitable for one-on-one sessions or small group learning, and can be used by teachers, parents, or guardians working alongside a child.

The structured course incorporates 44 phonic sounds within engaging stories about a character named Sam, allowing children to have fun while they learn by searching for hidden sounds. This approach equips them to read 80% of words in the English language by breaking them down into sounds or syllables. The packs also include stories like 'The Bouncing Castle' and 'The Famous Cousin From The Country', which help reinforce the complex middle sounds. With these packs, children can progress rapidly and will eventually be ready to tackle 'solo' reading books. Additional features such as cut-out practice pages and vibrant sketches aim to cement the sounds in the child's memory. The packs can be used in any sequence, though a recommended order is provided for complete beginners, starting with initial sounds and moving through a sequence of phonic sounds to more complex ones.

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