The Last Bear - Session 2 - Explain

Year 5
The Last Bear - Session 2 - Explain
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In the second session of "The Last Bear," students are prompted to engage in a reflective exercise regarding the likelihood of the character April having seen a polar bear. This exercise encourages critical thinking as students must assess the probability of such an event and justify their reasoning. The task is structured in a way that students first state their opinion on whether April has indeed seen a polar bear, followed by a section where they must elaborate on the reasons behind their belief. This approach not only fosters analytical skills but also helps students practice articulating their thoughts and supporting them with logical arguments.

The activity is designed to allow students to explore the context of the story, consider the setting, and use any given evidence or prior knowledge they may have about polar bears and their habitats. It's an opportunity for them to demonstrate their understanding of the narrative and the natural world. By completing the statement "I think this because," students are required to delve deeper into their initial response, providing a rationale for their answer. This kind of exercise is valuable in developing both comprehension and persuasive writing skills, as students learn to back up their opinions with coherent explanations.