Brightstorm - Session 24 - Word Workshop

English Resource Description
The Brightstorm - Session 24 - Word Workshop is an educational tool designed to enhance vocabulary skills among KS2 students. The workshop involves a series of exercises where students explore various aspects of words including their meanings, usage in sentences, modifications through prefixes or suffixes, and understanding synonyms and antonyms. Each word is presented in a structured format, encouraging students to think critically about language and how it can be manipulated to convey different meanings or nuances.
For example, students might be given the word 'transformed' and asked to identify its word class, use it in a sentence, and then modify it by adding a prefix or suffix. They would also list synonyms, such as 'altered', and antonyms, such as 'maintained'. This multifaceted approach not only broadens their vocabulary but also deepens their comprehension of how words interact within the English language. The workshop covers a diverse range of words from 'nestled' and 'manually' to 'vulnerable' and 'emphatic', ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.