Brightstorm - Session 10 - Reading Comprehension

English Resource Description
In the Brightstorm reading comprehension session, students delve into chapters 13 and 14 with a series of questions designed to test their understanding of the text. They explore character preferences, such as Felicity's favourite book, and the reasons behind Arthur's interest in the book titled 'Exploring in the Third Age'. The session raises queries about the absence of the Brightstorm family from the list of notable explorers and prompts discussion on character traits, illustrated by Felicity's choice to bake egg-free cakes. Students also consider Harriet's adventurous idea to venture beyond the Shard Mountains and her insistence on Arthur recording their journey in the Explorer's Journal. A question about the mysterious line on the horizon further engages students' curiosity and analytical skills. The exercise culminates with a challenge to concisely summarise the key events of the two chapters in no more than 50 words, encouraging brevity and clarity in their comprehension.
The questions are carefully crafted to encourage students to think critically about the narrative and the motivations of the characters within. By inquiring about specific details, such as the reasoning behind the Brightstorm family's exclusion from the explorers' list and Harriet's instructions to Arthur, the comprehension session provides a structured approach to reading analysis. This not only aids in the students' understanding of the plot and character development but also enhances their ability to infer and deduce information from the text. The activity is an effective tool for improving reading comprehension skills and fostering a deeper engagement with literature among KS2 students.