Spelling - ore

Year 1
Spelling - ore
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In this interactive spelling lesson, children are introduced to words that contain the 'ore' sound. The lesson is structured with a variety of activities, beginning with discussing images that depict words such as shore, tore, and store, encouraging students to identify the common 'ore' sound. The teacher then models the pronunciation of a series of words, asking the children to blend and say them out loud. This auditory exercise helps to reinforce the sound and its spelling. Further activities include identifying the three letters that make up the 'ore' sound and using sound buttons—a tool to help children visualise the phonetic components of the words.

Students are then prompted to apply their knowledge through a series of engaging tasks. They add dots and dashes to words to represent single and combined sounds, create new words using given letters, and label pictures with the correct 'ore' word. Hidden word searches and fill-in-the-blank exercises provide additional practice. To consolidate learning, children take part in a 'Caterpillar game', where they spell 'ore' words to build a caterpillar. The lesson also includes spell checks, bingo games, and challenge cards to further test their understanding. Flashcards and alien words (nonsense words designed to test decoding skills) are used to add an element of fun and to assess children's ability to apply the 'ore' sound in various contexts.