Leon and the Place Between - Learning Objectives

Year 5
Leon and the Place Between - Learning Objectives
Focus Education
Focus Education

English Resource Description

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The learning objectives for Year 5 students during Autumn Term 1 revolve around the core texts 'Leon and the Place Between' by Angela McAllister and Grahame Baker-Smith, and 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. These texts serve as a gateway to a range of learning outcomes, including the creation of narratives, recounts, information texts on earth and space, and poetry. Students will explore the importance of raw materials in science, particularly within the topic of Earth and Space. The unit aims to culminate in students being able to produce a variety of written pieces, such as a narrative depicting Leon's journey through the portal or an information text related to the core science topic.

Reading objectives focus on understanding narrative progression, the use of 'show not tell' techniques, the precise use of language for effect, and the ability to draw inferences and make predictions from the text. Students are encouraged to give opinions with reasons and to engage with the opinions of others. Writing objectives include recognising the need for different language features and structures in various narrative genres, developing plot through dialogue and action, and evaluating paragraphing for clarity. Grammar and vocabulary objectives highlight the use of relative clauses, the importance of correct punctuation, and the ability to add additional information to sentences without altering the core meaning. These objectives are designed to develop students’ comprehension, spoken language, composition, and technical writing skills.

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