Year 4 Scheme Introduction

English Resource Description
The Year 4 curriculum, created by Focus Education UK Ltd, offers a comprehensive scheme of work centered around a high-quality core text. This text not only enriches the learning experience but also integrates seamlessly with subjects like history, geography, and science, while embedding poetry within each unit. Each unit spans roughly six weeks, although there is ample flexibility to modify the duration and activities based on continuous assessment and the specific learning needs of Year 4 students. The curriculum is meticulously planned to ensure progression towards end-of-year objectives, with each goal broken down into manageable steps. To support students in their writing, toolkits are provided which include objectives, skills, and features necessary to achieve desired outcomes, allowing children to make informed, independent decisions in their writing tasks.
Reading is a central element of the curriculum, with each unit beginning by delving into the core text to enhance comprehension and analytical skills. This emphasis on reading is sustained with ongoing activities that align with set reading objectives. The curriculum also encourages 'word detective' work throughout the year. To complement the core text, additional reading materials are recommended to expose students to a diverse range of literature. Writing opportunities are woven throughout the scheme, offering students frequent practice to refine their writing abilities, using toolkits from previous units as needed. Grammar instruction is context-driven, ensuring relevance and application to the writing outcomes, with activities designed to revisit and reinforce concepts as necessary. A full week is dedicated to extended writing to allow for drafting, evaluation, redrafting, and proofreading, with adaptable prompts to guide the process.