Rabbit Problem and Peter Rabbit - Learning Objectives

Year 1
Rabbit Problem and Peter Rabbit - Learning Objectives
Focus Education
Focus Education

English Resource Description

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The educational programme for Year 1 students during Summer Term 1 includes a comprehensive exploration of literature and its connection to subjects like geography and science. The core texts, 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' by Beatrix Potter and 'The Rabbit Problem' by Emily Gravett, serve as a foundation for a multitude of learning objectives. These objectives extend to understanding how seasons and weather impact people and the identification and structure of plants. Students will engage with these texts to achieve various outcomes, such as retelling stories or parts thereof, recounting events, trips, or experiences, and gathering information on weather and plants, which provide ample opportunities for sentence writing practice.

The curriculum is structured around four key areas: spoken language, reading, writing - composition, and writing - grammar and vocabulary. Objectives within these areas include giving and listening to opinions using Standard English, reciting or performing original compositions, and using prior knowledge alongside picture clues to deepen text comprehension. In writing, students will learn to articulate and structure their ideas into coherent sentences, ensuring proper use of capital letters and punctuation. The programme also emphasises the differentiation between storybooks and information books, the recognition of poems and rhymes, and the development of grammar skills, such as using conjunctions like 'and' to join sentences. These objectives are designed to foster a well-rounded literacy skill set in young learners.

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