Billy's Bucket - Week 3 Teaching Slides

Year 1
Billy's Bucket - Week 3 Teaching Slides
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The third week of teaching slides for Unit 3 in English focuses on the character analysis of Billy from the story "Billy's Bucket". The activities are designed to deepen pupils' understanding of Billy's character traits and motivations. Initially, pupils engage in a vocabulary exercise where they rank six adjectives that describe Billy, based on their appropriateness. This exercise encourages discussion and critical thinking as they decide the order of the words from most to least suitable to describe Billy's desire for a bucket. Pupils then explore Billy's character by using a single bubble graphic organiser to capture the essence of his personality and discuss why the bucket is so important to him.

Further activities prompt pupils to consider Billy's actions upon receiving his bucket and the reactions of his parents. Pupils are encouraged to think critically about why Billy was so insistent on one particular bucket and what the shop assistant might have thought while fetching it. These discussions aim to develop pupils' inferential skills and empathy by considering different perspectives within the story. By reflecting on Billy's eagerness and his parents' thoughts, students gain insight into the story's characters and themes. The lesson plan also suggests pairing pupils of mixed abilities for discussions, ensuring a collaborative learning environment where different viewpoints can be shared and understood.