Volcanoes - Unit 3 - Mount Vesuvius Sense Map Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Volcanoes - Unit 3 - Mount Vesuvius Sense Map Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The Mount Vesuvius Sense Map Worksheet is an educational resource designed to engage students in an imaginative exploration of historical events. Specifically, it encourages learners to empathise with the residents of Pompeii during the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Working in pairs, students are prompted to create a 'senses map' that captures the thoughts and feelings experienced by those who witnessed the eruption. This sensory approach to learning asks students to consider what the Pompeiians might have touched or felt, tasted, seen, smelled, and heard during the disaster, thereby providing a more immersive understanding of the event's impact on human lives.

This creative task not only aids in developing historical empathy but also encourages the use of descriptive language and sensory detail in the students' work. By considering each of the five senses, learners are challenged to think deeply about the human experience in times of natural disaster, making history more relatable and vivid. The worksheet is structured with sections corresponding to each sense, providing a clear framework for students to organise their ideas and share their interpretations of the historical event in a thoughtful and reflective manner.