Christmas Poetry Unit - Lesson 3 - Twas the Night Before Christmas Worksheet

English Resource Description
The classic Christmas poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas" sets the scene of a tranquil home on Christmas Eve. The house is quiet and peaceful, with not even a mouse stirring. Stockings are carefully hung by the chimney, eagerly awaiting the arrival of St. Nicholas. Children are tucked in their beds, their dreams filled with visions of sugar-plums, while their parents have settled in for a restful night. However, the silence is broken by a sudden commotion outside, prompting the narrator to leap from bed and rush to the window to discover the cause of the ruckus.
To the narrator's amazement, a miniature sleigh led by eight tiny reindeer appears, driven by the lively and quick St. Nick. With a flurry of activity and a roll call of his reindeer, St. Nicholas commands his team to the top of the porch and the top of the wall. As they soar to the rooftop, carrying a sleigh full of toys, the narrator hears the prancing of hooves overhead. In a moment, St. Nicholas descends the chimney, arriving in a burst of soot. His eyes twinkle, his cheeks are rosy, and his laughter is like a bowlful of jelly. Without uttering a word, St. Nicholas fills the stockings with gifts. With a final nod, he ascends the chimney, returns to his sleigh, and departs, leaving behind a heartfelt wish for a Happy Christmas to all.