Boy - Lesson 2 - Family Tree PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Boy - Lesson 2 - Family Tree PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The lesson titled "Family Tree" is an English teaching resource that aims to engage students in the creation of a family tree, using the life of the renowned author Roald Dahl as a case study. The objectives of the lesson are twofold: firstly, to construct Roald Dahl's family tree based on the events described in Chapter One of his autobiography; and secondly, for students to create their own family trees. This task not only helps students understand the concept of a family tree but also connects them with their own heritage and family history.

In order to facilitate this learning, the PowerPoint presentation provides examples of family trees for students to study, thereby giving them a clear idea of what a family tree is and how it is structured. After examining these examples, students are expected to read the first chapter of Dahl's autobiography and then create a family tree that reflects the family members and events he describes. As a plenary and homework activity, students are encouraged to reach out to their relatives for assistance in gathering the necessary information to create their own family trees, thereby personalising the learning experience and fostering family engagement with their educational activities.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary