Boy - Lesson 1 - Autobiography and Biography PowerPoint

English Resource Description
The lesson focuses on understanding the distinction between biography and autobiography, with a particular emphasis on the life of the celebrated author Roald Dahl. Students are introduced to the concept that a biography is a narrative about someone else's life written by an author, while an autobiography is a self-written account of the author's own life. The etymology of the word 'autobiography' is also explored, breaking down its Greek roots: 'auto' meaning 'self', 'bio' meaning 'life', and 'graphy' meaning 'writing'. This sets the stage for students to delve into Roald Dahl's autobiographical work 'Boy', which recounts the fascinating and unique events of Dahl's childhood.
The lesson encourages students to engage with Roald Dahl's legacy, prompting them to discuss and note down everything they know about him in a spider diagram. As one of the most famous children's authors globally, Dahl's life and works are rich with details for students to explore. The lesson plan includes activities such as watching a short film about Dahl's life and creating a fact file based on their own knowledge, information from the lesson's PowerPoint presentation, and the video. Students learn about Dahl's multifaceted career as a novelist, short story writer, fighter pilot, and screenwriter, and his rise to fame with beloved books like 'James and the Giant Peach', 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', and 'The BFG'.