Hyphens and Brackets - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Hyphens and Brackets - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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English Teaching Resources are available to help educators instruct their students on the proper use of hyphens and brackets. The resources focus on two key objectives: learning how to create a compound word using hyphens and understanding how to enclose additional information within a sentence using brackets. The lesson on hyphens explains that a hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join two related words, forming what is known as a compound word. Examples provided include terms like 'brother-in-law', 'high-voltage', and 'self-important'. Additionally, students are encouraged to use a dictionary to discover more hyphenated words, particularly those starting with prefixes such as 'co-', 'non-', 'high-', 'head-', and 'neo-'.

When it comes to using brackets, the resources clarify that brackets are meant for inserting extra information into a sentence without disrupting the flow of the main text. However, it's also noted that overusing brackets can make writing appear disorganised. To practice, students are given sentences and asked to rewrite them, correctly inserting brackets to include additional facts or opinions. For example, they would learn to transform a sentence like "Paul Bridge Captain was named Man of the Match." to "Paul Bridge (Captain) was named Man of the Match." This exercise helps students understand the practical application of brackets and how they can enhance the clarity of information in a sentence.

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