Limericks - PowerPoint

English Resource Description
Primary school teachers have created a comprehensive resource for teaching Year 5 and 6 students the art of writing and reading poetry, with a particular focus on limericks. These resources align with the National Curriculum requirements, aiming to foster a positive attitude towards reading and understanding poetry. Through exploring limericks, students will learn to appreciate the nuances of language, structure, and presentation, and their contributions to meaning. In writing, the emphasis is on drafting and selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary to enhance and change meaning. The lesson's objective is clear: students will discover what a limerick is and master the craft of composing one.
A limerick is defined as a humorous and light-hearted poem, characterized by a distinctive rhythm and a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA. The structure typically involves three longer lines of 8-10 syllables, interspersed with two shorter lines of 5-6 syllables. These poems often begin with set phrases and aim to amuse with their whimsical tone. Students will engage with example limericks, identifying their features and understanding their syllable patterns and line lengths. Through interactive exercises, pupils will analyze limericks, clap out syllables, and discuss the significance of the poems' structures. Finally, they will apply their newfound knowledge to craft their own limericks, using provided worksheets that guide them through the process, ensuring they adhere to the traditional form and create an entertaining verse.