Romeo & Juliet Lesson 29: Got the Plot? - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 29: Got the Plot? - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The lesson titled "Got the Plot?" is the 29th instalment in a series on Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," specifically designed to consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of the plot of Act Four. The objective is to ensure that students have a firm grasp of the key events that transpire in this act. The lesson utilizes a PowerPoint presentation, provided by, as a visual aid to guide the class through the learning process.

The lesson begins with an activity where students are asked to complete a summary of Act Four by filling in missing words, thereby testing their recall of the narrative. The summary outlines the crucial plot points: Paris informs Friar Laurence of his impending marriage to Juliet, which is set for Thursday of that week. Juliet, seeking a way out of this union, turns to the Friar for assistance. The Friar devises a plan and gives Juliet a potion that will make her seem dead for 42 hours. He promises to inform Romeo of the ruse so that he can rescue her from the tomb after she awakens. Juliet takes the potion after returning home and feigning normalcy, causing her family to find her seemingly lifeless body the next morning. In addition to this summary exercise, the lesson includes a creative task where students are asked to create a comic strip version of Act Four, beginning with the scene where Paris discusses his marriage plans with Friar Laurence. This activity encourages students to visualise and express the narrative creatively.

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