Romeo & Juliet Lesson 28: 'A kind of hope' - Friar Lawrence's Plan Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 28: 'A kind of hope' - Friar Lawrence's Plan Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this lesson, students delve into the intricate details of Friar Lawrence's plan from Shakespeare's classic tragedy, "Romeo & Juliet". The task set before them is to sequence the components of the Friar's strategy correctly. The plan, fraught with hope and danger, begins with Juliet feigning acceptance of her arranged marriage. As the night before her nuptials approaches, she is to consume a vial of potion provided by Friar Lawrence. This potion is designed to induce a death-like state, causing her to appear lifeless. Her body will then be placed in the Capulet's tomb, where she is to await Romeo's arrival.

Meanwhile, Friar Lawrence takes on the responsibility of informing Romeo of the ploy. He will pen a letter outlining the need for Romeo to return to Verona in secrecy. Once at the tomb, Romeo is expected to rouse Juliet from her temporary slumber. Following her awakening, the plan dictates that the star-crossed lovers will escape together and seek refuge in Mantua, away from the strife and turmoil of their feuding families in Verona. The students' task is to arrange these events in the order Friar Lawrence intended, understanding the sequence that was meant to bring the couple together and away from their troubles.