Romeo & Juliet Lesson 24: Who said what? - Lesson Plan

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 24: Who said what?  - Lesson Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This lesson plan, aimed at exploring the character of Romeo from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," is structured to enhance students' knowledge and understanding through a variety of engaging activities. The lesson's objective is met through discussion, reading, comprehension, and empathetic writing exercises. Progress is assessed with a creative task where students write entries for 'Romeo's Diary', allowing them to express their understanding of the character's thoughts and feelings.

The lesson begins with a 10-minute starter activity where students describe Romeo, laying the groundwork for the main teaching segment. During the 40-minute main activity, students read and discuss Act 5, Scene 1, followed by a task that encourages them to imagine and write about Romeo's dreams, further deepening their insight into his psyche. The primary focus is the 'Romeo's Diary' exercise, where students spend 20 minutes writing diary entries from Romeo's perspective. For those requiring an additional challenge, the extension task involves completing Romeo's diary as homework. The lesson concludes with a 10-minute plenary where volunteers read their diary entries aloud, and the class offers constructive feedback. Opportunities for differentiation include editing the PowerPoint, tailoring tasks to suit different learning needs, and finding the right balance between teacher guidance and independent work.

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