Romeo & Juliet Lesson 22: Act 3 - Conflict - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 22: Act 3 - Conflict - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The PowerPoint presentation for Lesson 22 on "Romeo and Juliet" delves into Act 3, focusing on the theme of conflict that escalates in the play. Act 3, Scene 1 is highlighted as a pivotal moment where the streets of Verona set the stage for a second violent encounter, with consequences far more grave than those in the first act. The objective of the lesson is for students to deepen their knowledge and understanding of how this act furthers the development of both the theme and the plot. The scene begins with a heated exchange between Benvolio and Mercutio, discussing the potential for a brawl due to the hot weather and the presence of the Capulets. Benvolio's advice to Mercutio is to retire and avoid conflict, but Mercutio's mood is argumentative, as he accuses Benvolio of being just as quick to anger and engage in quarrels over trivial matters.

As the scene progresses, the tension escalates when Tybalt and his companions enter, seeking Romeo. Mercutio's reaction to the Capulets' approach is dismissive and provocative, creating a palpable tension between him and Tybalt. The exchange between the two is fraught with aggression, with Tybalt accusing Mercutio of consorting with Romeo and Mercutio responding with defiant wordplay. Benvolio attempts to diffuse the situation by suggesting they discuss their grievances privately or leave to avoid the public's gaze, but Mercutio refuses to back down. This interaction gives the audience insight into Mercutio's character, his readiness to confront Tybalt, and his disregard for the consequences of their public feud. The lesson plan likely concludes with students completing sentences to reinforce their understanding of the scene's setting, character motivations, and the dynamics of the escalating conflict.