Romeo & Juliet Lesson 16: Act 2 - PowerPoint

English Resource Description
In the sixteenth lesson on Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," students delve into Act 2, Scene 2, often referred to as the Balcony Scene, which is arguably the most famous excerpt from the play. The objective of the lesson is to deepen students' knowledge and understanding of this pivotal scene. The lesson begins with a reading of Romeo's speech where he eloquently expresses his adoration for Juliet, likening her to the sun and imploring her to cast off her modesty, much like the moon sheds its pale light. Students are then tasked with completing sentences to interpret Romeo's language, exploring the imagery of light and darkness, and drawing connections to previous scenes.
The lesson continues with a focus on Juliet's iconic line, "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Students are encouraged to contemplate the meaning behind Juliet's words and what she is truly asking of Romeo. To assess their comprehension, students answer a series of questions about the setting of the scene, the insignificance of names as per Juliet's perspective, Romeo's promises, the potential consequences of their secret love being discovered, and the intensity of their feelings as conveyed through Shakespeare's masterful use of language. The lesson concludes with an exploration of Juliet's intentions for the following day, ensuring that students grasp the urgency and depth of the young lovers' burgeoning relationship.