The Demon Headmaster - Lesson 6 - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Demon Headmaster - Lesson 6 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In a comprehensive English lesson focused on "The Demon Headmaster" by Gillian Cross, students are tasked with summarising the story up to Chapter Six. Working in pairs, they are encouraged to distil the narrative into ten succinct sentences, capturing the most pivotal events and presenting their summaries to the class. This exercise not only promotes comprehension and critical thinking as students decide what details are essential for the recap, but also enhances their ability to express the storyline clearly and concisely from start to finish.

The lesson continues with a deep dive into Chapter Seven, titled "The Punishment". Students read and discuss the events of the chapter before addressing a series of questions that probe their understanding of the text. These questions explore the actions and motivations of the characters, particularly focusing on the harsh punishment meted out to Lloyd, Harvey, and Dinah for their innocent play in the snow. The students are asked to consider the fairness of the punishment, the prefects' behaviour, and the characters' responses to their situation. An extension task invites students to write a diary entry from the perspective of either Lloyd or Harvey, reflecting on the day's events, their feelings towards Dinah, and their broader concerns and aspirations, thereby deepening their engagement with the characters and themes of the book.

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