Question Marks - Worksheet

Year 1
Question Marks - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Question Marks" worksheets are designed to teach students the proper use of question marks in English. In the first worksheet, students are asked to identify which sentences are questions and then to tick the appropriate ones. They also engage in an exercise where they must write their own questions corresponding to given answers. Further activities include choosing the correct question word to complete sentences and correcting sentences where the wrong question word has been used. The worksheet encourages students to think about the structure of questions and the appropriate use of question marks.

In the second worksheet, students are given sentences to punctuate correctly with either a full stop or a question mark, and they are tasked with rearranging words to form questions. Additionally, students are invited to write questions directed at the Gingerbread Man, fostering creativity and application of the lesson's focus. The exercises progress in complexity, ensuring that students understand the difference between statements and questions, and they conclude with a section where students can write questions they might ask their teacher. Answer keys are provided to allow students to check their work and understand their mistakes.

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