Capital Letters for Names - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Capital Letters for Names - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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This educational resource, aimed at Key Stage 1 pupils, focuses on the fundamental rules of capitalisation, specifically the use of capital letters for names. The lesson introduces the concept that names of people and places should always start with a capital letter. This is an essential aspect of English grammar and is crucial for young learners to understand and incorporate into their writing. Examples are provided to illustrate the point, such as "Michael lives in Telford," emphasising that both 'Michael' and 'Telford' require initial capital letters because they are proper nouns.

The lesson continues with interactive exercises that encourage students to practice this rule. They are tasked with rewriting names and sentences, ensuring that capital letters are used correctly. The exercises include a variety of examples, from names of individuals like 'jack' which should be written as 'Jack', to names of places such as 'france' which should be corrected to 'France'. Additional sentences are provided for further practice, helping to reinforce the concept that names, as well as the first word of a sentence, should always be capitalised. By the end of the lesson, students are expected to confidently apply capital letters to names of people, places, and the beginnings of sentences in their writing.

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