Middle and End Sounds - ck, ff, ll, ss - PowerPoint

Middle and End Sounds -  ck, ff, ll, ss - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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English Teaching Resources for primary education focus on the phonetic sounds that commonly appear in the middle or at the end of words. One such resource is a PowerPoint presentation that guides students through the sounds 'ck', 'ff', 'll', and 'ss'. The interactive slides prompt students to say the name of each picture shown and identify whether the target sound appears in the middle or at the end of the word. For example, the word 'ticket' contains the 'ck' sound in the middle, while 'ball' has the 'll' sound at the end, illustrating the use of double consonants in English spelling.

The resource continues with a variety of words that incorporate these consonant pairs, such as 'glass', 'giraffe', 'cross', 'sniff', 'doll', 'pocket', 'cuff', 'pillow', 'dress', and 'sock'. Each word is an opportunity for students to recognise and circle the correct sound, reinforcing their phonemic awareness and spelling skills. The PowerPoint is designed to be interactive and engaging, helping students to become familiar with these common phonetic patterns in a fun and educational way. Through this resource, teachers can effectively introduce and consolidate the understanding of middle and end sounds in words, which is a fundamental aspect of literacy in primary education.

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