The 'ck' Sound - English Phonics Teaching Resource with Worksheets - PowerPoint

The 'ck' Sound - English Phonics Teaching Resource with Worksheets - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The 'ck' Sound is an essential part of the phonics curriculum for early years foundation stage (EYFS), aimed at helping young learners grasp the basics of English phonetics. This particular teaching resource, complete with engaging worksheets and a PowerPoint presentation, focuses on the digraph 'ck', a combination of two letters that produce a single sound. The 'ck' sound is often found at the end of words such as 'duck', 'neck', and 'sock', but it can also appear in the middle of words, for example, 'rocket' and 'chicken'. The resource is designed to make learning interactive and enjoyable, with activities that include watching a short video to introduce the sound and completing words by adding the 'ck' digraph.

Worksheets play a significant role in reinforcing the lesson, where learners are tasked with completing words missing the 'ck' sound and matching them to appropriate pictures, such as 'clo_ck' becoming 'clock', and 'blo_ck' turning into 'block'. Another worksheet challenges students to find 'ck' words in a word search and then use those words to construct sentences, enhancing their vocabulary and sentence-building skills. For example, they might find the words 'stick' and 'pocket' and use them in sentences, thereby applying their phonics knowledge in a practical context. The resource provides a comprehensive approach to learning the 'ck' sound, ensuring that students can recognise and use it confidently in their reading and writing.

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