The Letter C - PowerPoint

The Letter C - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In an educational presentation, students are introduced to the letter 'c', the third character in the English alphabet. The lesson is designed to help young learners recognise and understand the significance of this particular letter through various engaging activities. The lesson begins with the simple identification of the letter 'c' and an example word 'cat' where 'c' is the initial sound. This sets the stage for students to explore the letter 'c' and its usage at the beginning of words.

With the foundational understanding established, students are then encouraged to brainstorm and identify other words that start with the letter 'c'. This interactive segment of the lesson allows them to actively participate and expand their vocabulary with words like 'carrot', 'cow', and several others. The presentation continues with a visual quiz where students are shown different objects and asked to determine which ones begin with the letter 'c'. Items such as 'clown', 'car', 'candle', 'castle', and 'cake' are presented to reinforce their learning. To further enrich the learning experience, a link to a song about the letter 'c' is provided, offering an auditory tool to aid memory retention and make the lesson enjoyable. The content is designed to be accessible and engaging, making it an effective resource for teaching the alphabet to young learners.

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