Inspired by: The Disgusting Sandwich - Week 6

Year 1
Inspired by: The Disgusting Sandwich - Week 6
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Building upon their understanding of grammar, Year 6 students embark on a lesson that explores regular plural noun suffixes through the context of a story about Bertie and his sandwich. The activity starts with a list of singular nouns, such as badger, boy, squirrel, frog, crow, and ant, which are then written in their plural forms on the board. The children are encouraged to observe the changes in spelling and meaning when these nouns are pluralised, noting the addition of -s or -es. The teacher then introduces the word 'fox' in both singular and plural forms, prompting the students to discuss any differences they notice. This leads to a matching and sorting exercise where they pair singular nouns with their plural counterparts, reinforcing their understanding of the pluralisation rules.

As the lesson continues, students participate in a discussion about the story's events, specifically focusing on why Bertie opts to eat slugs instead of the sandwich. They examine the author's choice of font size and page layout, considering how this might affect the reader's experience. The students are then tasked with writing the end of the story, imagining what happens next, and reading their creations aloud to the class. This activity not only encourages creativity but also gives them the opportunity to practise reading their work clearly. In a subsequent activity, the children explore the use of capital letters for the pronoun 'I', by role-playing and asking questions to the story's characters. They consider how the characters feel and what they might say, further immersing themselves in the narrative while applying grammatical rules in a practical and engaging way.

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