Inspired by: Mr Wolf and the Three Bears - Week 3

Year 1
Inspired by: Mr Wolf and the Three Bears - Week 3
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Inspired by the charming tale of "Mr Wolf and the Three Bears," a delightful activity is designed to enhance reading comprehension and accuracy for young learners. The first activity revolves around creating party sandwiches, a culinary adventure that begins with Grandma and Mr Wolf in the kitchen, following a recipe from the storybook. The children are encouraged to make the sandwiches alongside the characters, engaging in a practical application of the narrative. However, a mishap occurs when Mr Wolf accidentally drops the recipe into a sink full of water, leaving Grandma without her instructions. The children are then tasked with creating a new sandwich recipe book for Grandma, using sequencing words like 'first', 'then', and 'finally' to structure their recipes. To add a personal touch, they are also invited to write a thank you note from Grandma, making the learning experience even more rewarding.

The journey continues with a mysterious twist in the "Who Ate The Sandwiches?" activity. Upon returning from watching Grandma's favourite TV show, they find that all the sandwiches have been devoured, leaving only empty plates and breadcrumbs. This prompts a discussion among the children, who hypothesize who the sandwich thief could be, using the structure "I think that... because...". The plot thickens as Grandma and Mr Wolf are faced with the challenge of remaking the sandwiches without the original ingredients. The children, working in pairs, come to their aid by compiling a shopping list for Mr Wolf's trip to the local store, integrating a mathematics link with "Grandma's Shopping." Finally, the children explore regular plural noun suffixes through the words 'sandwich' and 'sandwiches', identifying when to add '-s' or '-es'. They embark on a plural hunt, finding partners for singular and plural noun cards and sorting themselves into groups, thus reinforcing their understanding of plurals in a fun and interactive way.

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