Year 5
Onomatopoeia - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
English Lesson Description
Starter Activity
Onomatopoeia' is a Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching resource focusing on writing skills. It explores how authors use onomatopoeia to create aural imagery and teaches pupils how to use onomatopoeia in their own writing. 'Onomatopoeia' is a handy 11 slide PowerPoint presentation with 2 worksheets that includes: - Learning objectives - Definition of onomatopoeia and examples using images and sound effects - Question and answer slides to enable peer assessment in the classroom - Matching activity - Using onomatopoeia to improve sentences task - Descriptive writing activity - Links to a video and matching game and an onomatopoeia Hangman interactive game 'Onomatopoeia' can be used as a starter activity, incorporated into a lesson or developed into a wider lesson on language, grammar and word choices.
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