Spelling - Home learning - Sound ve

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound ve
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

For home learning, students are provided with differentiated spelling lists focusing on the 've' sound to enhance their vocabulary and spelling proficiency. The lists include a variety of words such as 'live', 'above', 'have', 'captive', 'give', 'massive', 'love', 'extensive', 'dove', and 'detective'. To challenge the students further, the word 'aggressive' is added as a bonus challenge. Blank boxes are also available for any additional words that educators may wish to include for the children to learn.

The learning activity 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' is a structured method designed to aid in the memorisation of the spelling of these words. Students are encouraged to look at the word, say it aloud, cover it, write it from memory, and then check their spelling, making any necessary corrections. This technique is repeated for both sets of words, including the more straightforward ones such as 'live', 'have', 'give', 'love', and 'dove', as well as the more complex words like 'above', 'captive', 'massive', 'extensive', and 'detective'. Additionally, students are prompted to read and match the words and to use them in sentences to demonstrate their understanding. The exercise also includes an element of fun with the 'Real and Nonsense words' activity, where students identify real words, use them in sentences, and 'pop' the nonsense words by marking them with a cross.