Spelling - Home learning - Sound are

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound are
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

For home learning, students are provided with differentiated spelling lists focusing on the sound 'are'. These lists include a selection of words that feature this sound, such as 'care', 'scared', 'bare', 'glare', 'dare', 'shared', 'share', 'spare', 'fare', and 'hare'. To challenge students further, there is a challenge word to master: 'carefulness'. Additionally, blank boxes are available for any extra words that teachers might want to include for the children to learn. This adaptable approach allows for tailored learning experiences to suit individual needs.

The 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' method is employed as an effective strategy for practising spelling. Students are encouraged to look at the word, say it aloud, cover it, attempt to write it from memory, and then check their attempt against the correct spelling, making corrections if necessary. This technique helps to reinforce spelling skills and memory retention. Furthermore, the 'Read and Match' activity prompts students to match the given words to something familiar, and challenges them to create sentences using their chosen words, thereby applying their spelling in context. Finally, in a fun twist, the 'Real and Nonsense words' activity asks students to identify real words and use them in sentences, while 'popping' the nonsense words by marking them with a cross, further reinforcing their understanding of the 'are' sound in a playful manner.