Who wants a million points? - Circulatory system

Year 6
Who wants a million points? - Circulatory system
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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In an educational activity titled "Who wants a million points?", Year 6 pupils are challenged to explain terms related to the circulatory system, with the complexity and point value increasing with each correct explanation. Starting with 'heart' for 100 points, students must demonstrate their understanding of this vital organ which pumps blood throughout the body. As they progress, they encounter terms like 'bleeding' for 250 points, a process where blood escapes from the circulatory system, and 'blood clot' for 500 points, a vital mechanism to prevent excessive bleeding.

Further up the scale, students explain 'veins' for 1,000 points, which are blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart, and 'artery' for 2,000 points, which are vessels that carry blood away from the heart. They then move on to 'blood vessels' for 5,000 points, the network of tubes through which blood flows in the body. For 10,000 points, they tackle 'transfusions', a medical procedure where blood is transferred from one individual to another. The term 'vessel' for 25,000 points refers to any tube through which fluids like blood can flow, while 'plasma' for 50,000 points is the liquid component of blood. For 100,000 points, they must explain 'capillary', the smallest type of blood vessel where gas and nutrient exchange occurs. The 'haemoglobin' for 250,000 points is a protein in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen. For the penultimate term, pupils define 'pulmonary vein' for 500,000 points, which carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart. Finally, for the ultimate 1,000,000 points, they must explain the 'immune system', which works closely with the circulatory system to defend the body against pathogens.