Put the correct number next to the event - Anglo-Saxons - Year 5

Year 5
Put the correct number next to the event - Anglo-Saxons - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The Anglo-Saxons were a group of seafaring tribes, mainly from what is now Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands, who began to invade and settle in Britain after the withdrawal of the Roman Empire in the early 5th century. Their period of influence stretched up to the Norman invasion in 1066. The Anglo-Saxons had a significant impact on British culture, language, and social structure, the effects of which are still evident in modern Britain. The English language itself owes a great deal to Old English, the language of the Anglo-Saxons, with many words and grammatical structures deriving from this period. They also contributed to the legal system, place names, and the establishment of towns.

In terms of the historical timeline, the correct numbers next to the events would be as follows: - Normans invaded: 6 - Romans invaded: 3 - Iron ore was discovered: 4 (during the Iron Age) - Britons were hunter-gatherers: 1 (during the Stone Age) - Anglo-Saxons invaded: 5 - The wheel was invented: 2 (during the Bronze Age) The Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain during a period that followed the Roman occupation, preceding the Viking and Norman invasions, and their era is characterised by the establishment of several kingdoms, the spread of Christianity, and the development of Old English literature, such as the epic poem "Beowulf".