Wonder Lesson 27: November - Auggie's Inner Dialogue Worksheet 5

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 27: November - Auggie's Inner Dialogue Worksheet 5
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
AI generated

In the teaching resource titled "Auggie's Inner Dialogue," students are provided with an engaging worksheet designed to explore the character Auggie's thoughts and feelings in response to a particular situation. The worksheet is a part of the English Teaching Resources collection and is aimed at helping students understand the concept of inner dialogue. In this specific activity, the situation presented to the students involves a character named Summer sharing her opinion on the afterlife. Students are tasked with considering what Auggie might say in actual dialogue as well as what he could be thinking internally, thereby contrasting spoken words with unspoken thoughts.

The worksheet serves as a tool to delve into Auggie's character, encouraging students to think deeply about how he processes the information he hears and what his internal reactions might be. This exercise not only aids in comprehension of the character's complexity but also helps students develop empathy and insight into how internal dialogues can differ from external conversations. The activity is structured to prompt students to write down their ideas for both Auggie's actual dialogue and his internal dialogue, providing a clear and focused way to articulate their understanding of the character's perspective.