Wonder Lesson 27: November - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 27: November - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson 27 of the English Teaching Resources focuses on a detailed exploration of selected chapters from the book 'Wonder'. The lesson involves reading and discussing pages 124-132 as a class, while also using a 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to enhance vocabulary development. Students are encouraged to consider the plot, characters, and themes as they progress through the narrative. Additionally, the lesson includes a word warm-up activity centred around sentence punctuation. Students are tasked with adding the correct punctuation to passages from the text, with the corrected versions provided to demonstrate the proper use of punctuation in dialogue.

The lesson further delves into the emotional dynamics between characters, particularly examining the friendship between Auggie and Summer. Through class discussions, students explore why Auggie suspects Summer's friendship is not genuine and why this suggestion upsets Summer. The concept of being 'biracial' and Summer's views on the afterlife are also topics for reflection and discussion. Students are prompted to consider Auggie's perspective during key moments in the chapters, thinking about his internal dialogue and feelings. Worksheets are provided to facilitate this exploration, where students can write down the actual dialogue and imagine Auggie's internal responses to various situations, such as meeting Summer's mum or learning about her dad's passing.