Wonder Lesson 27: November - Auggie's Inner Dialogue Worksheet 1

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 27: November - Auggie's Inner Dialogue Worksheet 1
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this English teaching resource, students are invited to explore the concept of inner dialogue through the character of Auggie from the novel "Wonder". The worksheet is designed to help students understand the difference between spoken words and the thoughts that characters may have but do not vocalize. The activity presents a scenario where Summer sits at a table and Auggie is reading a book, providing a context for students to consider what Auggie might be thinking.

The worksheet is divided into two sections: one for recording the actual dialogue that takes place in the scene, and another for noting down Auggie's internal dialogue—his unspoken thoughts and feelings. This exercise not only aids in deepening comprehension of the text but also encourages students to engage with the character's perspective and emotional landscape. It's an effective way to develop empathy and understanding of character development in literature. The worksheet is a part of a collection of resources from an online teaching platform that specializes in English teaching materials.