Wonder Lesson 27: November - Auggie's Inner Dialogue Worksheet 2

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 27: November - Auggie's Inner Dialogue Worksheet 2
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Wonder Lesson 27 delves into the exploration of Auggie's inner thoughts through an activity titled "Auggie's Inner Dialogue - Worksheet 2". This English teaching resource is designed to help students understand the difference between what a character says aloud and what they may be thinking internally. The worksheet presents a scenario where Summer reveals that Mr Tushman didn't speak to her about Auggie. Students are then prompted to consider and write down both the actual dialogue that occurs between the characters and the possible internal dialogue that Auggie might be experiencing in response to this revelation.

The exercise encourages pupils to engage with the text on a deeper level, fostering empathy and insight into the characters' minds. By filling in the worksheet, students practise inferring a character's thoughts based on their actions and conversations in the story. This activity not only enhances reading comprehension but also develops creative writing skills as students imagine the internal monologue of Auggie, the protagonist. The resource is part of a collection available from an educational website dedicated to providing teaching materials for English language and literature.