Wonder Lesson 27: November - Auggie's Inner Dialogue Worksheet 3

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 27: November - Auggie's Inner Dialogue Worksheet 3
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The English teaching resource titled "Auggie's Inner Dialogue" is a worksheet designed to explore the thoughts and feelings of the character Auggie from the story "Wonder." The exercise focuses on a specific situation where Auggie meets Summer's mum. Students are encouraged to think deeply about what Auggie might be saying out loud, which is referred to as the 'Actual dialogue', and then consider what he might be thinking internally, which is his 'Internal dialogue'. This activity is aimed at helping students understand the concept of inner dialogue and how it can differ from spoken words, thereby providing insight into a character's true emotions and thoughts.

The worksheet is part of a larger collection of English Teaching Resources available from Teacher-of-Primary.co.uk. It is designed to engage students in character analysis and enhance their comprehension skills by delving into the subtext of interactions between characters. By filling out the worksheet, students practice inferring and expressing a character's internal conflicts and motivations that may not be immediately apparent in their spoken dialogue. This resource is an excellent tool for fostering critical thinking and empathy, as students learn to read between the lines and understand the complexities of communication and characterisation in literature.