Know it! - Great Fire of London - Year 2

Year 2
Know it! - Great Fire of London - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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Year 2 students delve into the historical event of the Great Fire of London and explore its lasting lessons through a series of engaging retrieval tasks. These activities are designed to reinforce their understanding and recall of the event, even after the learning unit is completed. One such activity is a collaborative exercise where pupils sit in groups of four and individually jot down everything they remember about the Great Fire of London. They then share their recollections with each other, 'stealing' knowledge they hadn't noted themselves, and collectively building a more comprehensive understanding. This interactive task not only promotes teamwork but also reinforces individual learning through peer sharing.

Another task involves a word association game where students pair up to identify words related to the Great Fire of London from a mixed list. They discuss and circle the relevant words, with points awarded for each correct identification. This activity helps to consolidate their vocabulary and understanding of the topic. Additionally, a 'Give me 3!' challenge prompts students to recall three specific aspects related to the fire, such as reasons for its rapid spread, pieces of evidence that are missing, methods used to tackle the blaze, and improvements made to London as a result. These exercises not only solidify historical facts but also encourage critical thinking about the impact and legacy of the Great Fire of London.