Cops and robbers - What do you know about the Great Fire of London?

Year 2
Cops and robbers - What do you know about the Great Fire of London?
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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In an interactive learning activity titled "Cops and Robbers," pupils are encouraged to recall and share their knowledge about the Great Fire of London. The exercise begins with students sitting in groups of four and initiating a brainstorming session. Each pupil has two minutes to jot down everything they can remember about the historic event on the left side of a chart under the heading 'Own recalled knowledge'. This part of the activity is designed to prompt students to independently recall historical facts and details they have learned about the Great Fire of London.

Following the individual recall phase, each student is given 60 seconds to review the notes of their three peers. During this time, they are on the lookout for any new information that they hadn't remembered themselves. This is where the 'Cops and robbers' element comes into play, as students 'steal' knowledge from one another. They then add this newly acquired information to the 'Stolen knowledge' section of their chart. To encourage participation and engagement, pupils are awarded 2 points for each new piece of information they record. The entire activity is designed to be a fun, collaborative, and competitive way to reinforce their learning about the Great Fire of London, with the entire task taking approximately 15 minutes. The aim is not only to recall historical facts but also to understand and discuss the lessons learned from this significant event in history.