Give me 3 - Great Fire of London

Year 2
Give me 3 - Great Fire of London
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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The "Give me 3!" activity is designed as an engaging and educational challenge for pupils to recall and summarise key aspects of the Great Fire of London. In this summary challenge, students are prompted to remember three specific details related to various categories about the historic event. For each accurate response, pupils are rewarded with two points, incentivising them to draw upon their knowledge and understanding of the topic. The activity is structured to last approximately 15 minutes, providing a focused and time-efficient review of the subject matter.

Students are asked to identify three reasons why the fire spread so rapidly, a task that encourages them to think about the conditions and circumstances of 17th-century London. They are also challenged to list three pieces of evidence that are not available to us today, which highlights the limitations of historical records and the importance of critical thinking in studying the past. Additionally, the activity includes recalling three methods used by people at the time to combat the blaze, as well as three improvements that were made to London as a result of the fire. This not only serves to deepen their historical knowledge but also to understand how disasters can lead to positive changes and advancements in urban planning and safety. The overall aim is to help pupils learn and articulate the lessons gleaned from one of the most significant events in London's history.