Link it! Prior knowledge - Windrush - Year 6

Year 6
Link it! Prior knowledge - Windrush - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

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When preparing Year 6 students for a unit on the impact of immigration on Britain, it's important to acknowledge and utilise the diverse backgrounds and experiences within the classroom. Teachers are encouraged to explore the topic of immigration by drawing on the personal histories of the students. Many may have their own experiences of immigrating to Britain, or they might have parents or grandparents who have done so. This provides a rich tapestry of first-hand accounts and perspectives that can greatly enhance their understanding of the subject.

The classroom itself is likely to reflect the multicultural nature of modern Britain, with students from various heritages. Discussions about immigration might already be familiar to them, as it's a topic often explored within family conversations at home. By recording their prior knowledge in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser, students can connect what they already know or have experienced with the new content they will learn. This personal connection helps to deepen their engagement with the topic, as they consider the broader question of how immigration has shaped Britain over the past century. The 'LINK IT!' activity further encourages students to make connections within the same subject, across different subjects, and from their own personal experiences, fostering a holistic approach to learning about the Windrush generation and its legacy.