Cops and robbers - What do you know about the Windrush generation?

Year 6
Cops and robbers - What do you know about the Windrush generation?
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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The "Cops and Robbers" activity is an engaging educational exercise designed to facilitate collaborative learning among pupils about the Windrush generation. In a group of four, each pupil starts by taking two minutes to jot down everything they can recall about the Windrush generation on the left side of a chart under the heading 'Own recalled knowledge'. This initial step allows pupils to independently document their current understanding of the topic.

Following this, each pupil is given 60 seconds to review the contributions of their peers, searching for any new or additional information that they had not originally noted down. This process of sharing and acquiring information is metaphorically termed as 'stealing knowledge'. Subsequently, pupils can add this newly gleaned information to the 'Stolen knowledge' section of their chart. This collaborative learning strategy not only encourages pupils to share knowledge but also helps them to identify gaps in their understanding and learn from one another. The activity is designed to last approximately 15 minutes and includes a point system to incentivise the recording of information, with 2 points awarded for each piece of information noted down. The aim is to deepen pupils' understanding of the Windrush generation's impact on Britain's immigration history over the past century.