Link it! Prior knowledge - Great Fire of London - Year 2

Year 2
Link it! Prior knowledge - Great Fire of London - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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In preparation for a Year 2 history lesson on the Great Fire of London, it is important to activate the children's prior knowledge. Many children may already have some familiarity with London, and a number of them might have visited the city. The Great Fire of London is a historical event that often captures children's imaginations, potentially through stories they have heard at home or at school. Additionally, contemporary images of large fires in the media, or the sight of fire engines responding to emergencies, may resonate with them and provide a modern context for understanding the impact of such a disaster. Students are encouraged to document what they already know about the topic in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser, which will help them connect new information to what they have already learned.

When considering the lessons learned from the Great Fire of London, the 'LINK IT!' activity prompts students to draw connections from various angles. They are asked to reflect on what they know within the subject of history itself, potentially recalling previous lessons or historical facts related to the event. They are also encouraged to make interdisciplinary links, considering knowledge from other subjects that might relate to the Great Fire, such as geography (understanding London's location and layout) or science (learning about fire behaviour and safety). Lastly, personal experiences, including any encounters with fire safety or emergency services, can provide a valuable personal perspective. These connections help to enrich their understanding of the event and its significance in history.