Why is it important to have a balanced diet and why is exercise important? - Teacher notes

Year 3
Why is it important to have a balanced diet and why is exercise important? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Understanding the importance of a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health. The curriculum aims to educate pupils about the five main food types and their significance to our bodies. Students are encouraged to explore each food group and recognise why they are essential for various bodily functions. This knowledge is further enriched by watching educational videos that introduce the concept of a varied diet, particularly tailored for Key Stage 2 Science. The videos provide a visual and engaging way for students to grasp the concept of nutritional balance and the potential consequences of an unbalanced diet.

Following this, the students are tasked with identifying foods that are beneficial and those that could be harmful in excess. This activity helps them to distinguish between different types of foods and their impact on health. Subsequently, they are challenged to plan a healthy and nutritious meal, using the information they have acquired. The exercise involves selecting foods for a meal and explaining the reasons behind their choices, which reinforces their understanding of a balanced diet. The lesson then shifts focus to the importance of exercise, discussing how physical activity complements nutritional health. This part of the lesson can be practically applied during PE classes, allowing students to experience firsthand the benefits of exercise and its role in promoting overall well-being.