Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 (2)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 3 mathematics lesson from Max Maths, students are tasked with comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000. The exercise encourages them to arrange a set of numbers in ascending order, from the smallest to the greatest. The activity is presented visually, with each number broken down into hundreds, tens, and ones, to help children better understand place value and the size of numbers relative to each other.

Three groups of numbers, labelled Group A, Group B, and Group C, are depicted with representations of 100s, 10s, and 1s. Students must use these visual cues to determine the total value of each group and then sequence the groups accordingly. For example, Group A shows four hundreds, one ten, and five ones, which combines to make the number 415. Group B, with four hundreds, three tens, and three ones, represents 433. Group C, having four hundreds, two tens, and six ones, equates to 426. Students are then instructed to place these numbers in order from the smallest, 415, through 426, to the greatest, 433, using the 'less than' symbol to indicate the sequence.