Planning a Text-led Curriculum in EYFS - Understanding the World: Geography (continued)

Early Years
Planning a Text-led Curriculum in EYFS - Understanding the World: Geography (continued)
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), children are encouraged to explore their surroundings and develop an understanding of geography through engaging activities. For instance, using the book 'Rosie's Walk', teachers guide children to focus on the journey described in the story, helping them to use and understand simple positional language such as "far away" and "next to". They are also prompted to create their own journey with hazards in a small world or outdoor environment, using positional language to direct others and record their journey with symbols. This learning is extended by reading 'The Gruffalo' or 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', which introduces concepts like "beneath" and "on top of". Children are also given the opportunity to set up trails for their peers to follow, further embedding their geographical knowledge and vocabulary.

Another aspect of the geography curriculum in EYFS involves children taking walks in their local area to observe and photograph their environment. They may recreate their street using cereal boxes, discussing features such as road signs and house types, including terraced, detached, and semi-detached homes. This hands-on activity extends to creating a boxed street for imaginative play and learning about different fruits from around the world through books like 'Handa's Surprise'. Children explore the fruits' origins and why certain fruits cannot be grown in the UK, fostering an appreciation for global diversity. They may even run a fruit stall or a 'Smoothie Café', promoting understanding of different cultures and communities through practical, engaging experiences.