Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Subtraction as ‘how many more to make?’

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Subtraction as ‘how many more to make?’
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Year 1 Max Maths programme, children are introduced to the concept of subtraction as a means to find out 'how many more to make?' This approach helps them understand subtraction in the context of comparing quantities. For instance, Han and Padma have a total of 12 cookies between them. If Han has 5 cookies, the children are prompted to figure out how many cookies Padma has by subtracting the number of cookies Han has from the total. By calculating 12 minus 5, they determine that Padma has 7 cookies. This problem-solving exercise not only teaches subtraction but also the idea of equal distribution and comparison.

In a related activity, children are presented with a scenario involving 5 vases, out of which only 3 have flowers. They are asked to work out how many more vases need flowers to ensure all vases are filled. This is another practical application of subtraction, where children subtract the number of vases with flowers (3) from the total number of vases (5). By performing the calculation 5 minus 3, they find that 2 more vases require flowers. This exercise reinforces the concept of 'how many more' and provides a foundation for understanding subtraction as a means to find the difference between two numbers.