Max Maths, Year 1, Work Book, Subtraction as ‘how many more to make?’

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Work Book, Subtraction as ‘how many more to make?’
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 1 Workbook, Practice 4 is designed to teach young learners about subtraction through the concept of 'how many more to make?'. The practice encourages children to understand subtraction as a way to find out the difference between two quantities. The first question presents a scenario where Samir's mother buys 7 mangoes, but Samir only finds 5 in a bowl. The task for the students is to count on from 5, using a number line, to determine how many more mangoes are yet to be found. This helps them visualise the subtraction process as an addition to reach the total number of 7 mangoes.

The second exercise involves a jar that can hold 8 cookies, with only 5 currently in it. Here, the children must work out how many more cookies can be added to the jar to reach its full capacity. Again, the number line is used as a tool to count on from 5 to 8. The third task is a two-part question where students write subtraction sentences and use a number line to solve problems. In the first part, Jade has placed 5 cupcakes on a stand and needs to add more to make a total of 10. In the second part, Samir and Tya are putting marbles into a bag; Samir adds 6, and Tya's contribution needs to be calculated to reach a total of 9 marbles. These exercises help students practice counting on and understand subtraction in a practical, real-world context.